Coors Sam Smith New Lodge Working Mens Club Heinekin John Smiths
Pool Section

Pool information to be displayed here. This information to be provided by the Pool section and should include section details, tournaments, results and other information they wish to share including photos if required.

Pool games will be allowed between two people only following guidelines displayed near to the pool table. This will involve:-

1) Only two people at a time to play.

2) Use own cues Or borrow from behind the bar. These will have to be returned after each game for sanitising. No Sharing of cues is permiitted.

3) Table to be cleaned before and after every game, including Balls using sanitiser sheets provided..

4) Use Hand Gels frequently and maintain social distancing at all times.

5) No standing to watch games and please keep noise to a minimum.

6) Maintain social distancing at all times and respect other customers space.
